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Species: Walldryx Ardent

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Character: Haughty, Boastful, Funny, Petty, Troller, Rebellious

Height: 1m46

Weight: 38kg

Home region: Crackers-Ville

Date of creation: October 12, 2009 

Mode of locomotion: Biped



Dawser is a Walldryx Ardent who previously lived in Crackers-Ville to join Réos. He has a dad calledMadonzar. He is lucky enough to live in a shared apartment with Naala.

He has long hair and also like all Walldryx Ardents a fireball tail.

Dawser has a personality that is very similar to his father and the Walldryx Ardents in general, namely, pride, passion and courage. But, he also has a character who loves trolling and provocation. This is the case with Johnny to which he keeps mocking and criticizing him. How to explain this? BecauseJohnny And Dawser are both in love withNaala. Him andNaala get along very well. We can even say deep down that Naala prefersDawser than toJohnny. WhenDawser seesJohnny withNaala together, it annoys him.

Behind this troll character hides a Walldryx who is also quite politically engaged. He defends the environment and peace from the discrimination that exists between certain species of Walldryx.


Character creation


Created at the same time as his father Madonzar on October 12, 2009, his origins like so many others began in the world of Crackers.

Dawser le Walldryx Ardent 2023-2024 Render.png
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