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Kiara the Walldryx Ardent Charcoal 2024 Render.png

Species: Charcoal Walldryx (or Coal-Fired Walldryx)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Character: Condescend, Humble, Funny, Talented, Spontaneous, Honest

Height: 1m54

Weight: 58kg

Region of origin: Charbonic Island 

Date of creation: June 9, 2021

Mode of locomotion: Quadruped


Kiara impresses, surprises, questions and some fear it in Urrakia.

Chains aroundr neck and legs, cut wings, piercings under his tongue, spikes, a slightly dark look with his gaze...  She was a member of a Machiavellian group of Walldryx Charbon Ardent in a cesspool atmosphere. And she managed three Walldryx charcoal who were really bad guys.


These Walldryx have intense firepower compared to the Walldryx Ardent.

They threaten to take possession of the region of Réos and set fire to the region of Tamao and Vidalos-Valley. Their supreme leader is called Kramer. He has a character similar to Dragoules, namely, belligerent, acrimonious and bluffing.

Kiara lived and worked with these Walldryx for a long time before leaving permanently to settle in Urrakia. She has a very bitter and traumatic experience.

She's wholeheartedly wishes to stop these smut Walldryx before they do the worst for Urrakia.


Regarding his personality, it's the complete opposite of Coal-Fired Walldryx in general.

He is a humble, sincere and condescending person. She loves singing, a fan of rock, opera, theater, she knows how to breathe fire and has very good communication skills. She is skilled in combat to defend herself, protect her friends and save people in difficulty.

Kiara can be very smiling, funny, teasing and very open with people she idolizes. This is the case with Graouh and his friends. Then she unleashes her full potential. ButWhen emotion is strong, she can let herself be carried away by anger to react to a situation that distresses her.

She has an additional gift, she can breathe fire, underwater! (Like all Charcoal Walldryx in general)




Character Creation


I created this character thanks to a dream that I had last night in my little student room at CROUS in Tarbes.

She is dark gray in color with red eyes. After the outlined sketch, I had no development ideas for this character. 

As a result, the character is shelved for 2 and a half years.

It was only at the end of October 2023 that I took up this character again with lots of ideas in mind! Its description, its character, its species and also its name "Syhra" at the start which will become "Kiara"!

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