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Bannière Kiara background.png


Species: Coal-Fired Walldryx

Age: 72

Gender: Male

Character: Tyrant, Bloodthirsty, Rude, Authoritarian, Angry, Seductive

Size: 2m23

Weight: 148kg

Region of origin: Charbonic Island 

Date of creation: November 21, 2023

Mode of locomotion: Biped



He is the supreme leader of the fiery coal Walldryx. And his dream is to create an empire of Walldryx coal in Urrakia, particularly in Réos, to replace the inhabitants including Princess Zenitha and burn Vidalos Valley and Tamao.

Currently, the Walldryx charcoal (including Kiara) are working on the construction of a large fortress in order to prepare their plans of attack.


Very authoritarian in character,tyrannical and angry, all who do not obey these orders will be admonished and punished. They can attack you and cause serious damage.

Besides, it is forbidden to say “no” to the boss! Otherwise, punishment. In case of repeat offense, this is the sentence. And it can lead to death...


He has an armada of guards who patrol the entire carbonic island to search for and handcuff people who try to escape or stragglers who are not yet at the construction site or at the monthly meeting on time.

Every Walldryx on this island has data regarding the number of delays and violations committed. But also advance the work requested.


With the exception of Kiara and very few daredevils against him, he is cheered by everyone.

The only person Krämer has to be wary of is Kiara who is fiercely opposed to his plan and wants to stop him.



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The Walldryx Charbon-Ardent.png
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