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Magret August 2023 (Update).png

Species: Duck

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Character: Mischievous, Sarcastic, Mocking, Vigilant

Size: 0m46

Weight: 9kg

Home region: Kastell

Date of creation: June 29, 2022

Mode of locomotion: Biped


He is Finac’s main partner, and he has a very different character than his partner!

Magret is known to be a big cranky, sarcastic and sometimes vulgar. He does not like hugs, kisses, and even less when Graouh licks him friendly.

Moreover between Graouh and Magret, they form an unsuspected duo! In the absence of Finac, between them, it is the game of the cat and the mouse à la Tom and Jerry!  Magret suspects Graouh to eat too raw. Chase, clash, gag , bickering, but also moments of fun and friendly, they form an extravagant friendship!



With Finac, Magret plays the role of Finac’s "second brain". He advises and recommends when he must perform an action. It also provides information that may be important for Finac.

Or sometimes to say that his ideas are crazy and that he has to come to his senses. Magret is sometimes taken back by Finac when he becomes too vulgar. But in general, they get along very well

His character is close to that of Kazooie!




Character creation


Magret was created by"Captain-Crescent" during our meeting in Figeac in the lot on June 29, 2022.

Magret 2023 Render
Magret August 2023 (Update).png
Duck Head 2023-1.png
Magret 2023 Render_2.png
Graouh and Magret [Duck and Dragon] 3_edited.jpg
The Walldryx L'Aventure Finac (Cover).png
Magret expressions 2024.png
Standee L'Aventure Finac.png
Magret Ref.png
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